Sacramento, California is a city located in the center of California, serving as a charter city since 1920 and as the state capital since 1854. In 2002 a civil rights study, conducted by Harvard University in Massachusetts, rated Sacramento, California as the most diverse city in the United States. As of 2018 Sacramento census states a little over 500,000 citizens have made their home here. Sacramento offers public transportation to its community. It holds the title of the 27th most walkable city in the United States. It is the home of various higher education options. With pedestrian traffic, public transportation, and vehicle movement in Sacramento, CA it is also home to many personal injury attorneys.
The Department of Transportation records the number of vehicle accidents by a passenger car accident, a motorcycle accident, light or large truck accident, and a bus accident. For the year 2018, this nationwide number equaled 6,734,000 for highway accidents. Because of its predictable occurrence, licensed drivers should remain aware and prepared if such an incident becomes their own.
Need a car accident lawyer? There are specifics steps the driver should take to ensure a fair and accurate report. Any damages claimed will depend on accurate documentation of the incident in question.
Mr. Car Accident Lawyer is available across the country. Offices in Connecticut offer video conferencing, digital files, and access to files online with a secure website.
Mr. Car Accident Lawyers can verify over 300* million recovered for clients, statewide car attorneys, free consultations, quick compensation for their injuries.
Remain an observant driver at all times. Even as a witness your valuable information can prove useful.
Clients were rear ended by a utility vehicle.
Judgment for wrongful death of pedestrian struck by motor vehicle.
Car accident causing a traumatic brain injury resulting in a policy limits settlement prior to filing suit.
Policy limits settlement for clients’ who suffered spinal injuries. No surgeries required. The case settled before suit was filed.
Speeding vehicle struck client’s parked car.
Car accident causing a traumatic brain injury resulting in a policy limits settlement prior to filing suit.
If you or a loved one has been seriously injured or a loved one has died due to the negligence of another driver in an automobile accident, contact us today.