Have you been injured in a collision with a tanker truck? This is the type of accident that may cause catastrophic, life-threatening injuries, and the steps you take at this time may have a direct impact on your ability to seek justice and recover fair compensation. A truck accident attorney at Pacific Attorney Group can offer insight regarding your rights and options, helping you seek a positive case result. We recommend that you call our offices to talk about your case, or continue reading if you would like to learn more about these serious truck accidents.
A tanker truck, or tank truck, is a type of commercial vehicle that can carry liquid or gasses. A tanker truck may vary in size, usually consisting of a truck cab towing a cylindrical tank or tanks lying horizontally on a trailer. The tank may be insulated and/or pressurized depending on the type of liquid or gas being transported. A large tanker truck may carry anywhere from 5,500 to 11,600 gallons of liquid such as gasoline, diesel, water, milk, septic material or industrial chemicals. Some may be able to transport multiple types of liquefied loads in separate tank compartments.
Due to their design, tanker trucks typically have a higher center of gravity than other types of commercial trucks, and this can increase the likelihood of a collision. Maneuvering a tanker truck can be far more difficult, not only because of the higher center of gravity (which increases the chances of a rollover) but because liquid cargo can shift dramatically during transport. Liquid cargo in a partially-filled tank is more likely to slosh about, putting extreme stress on the truck from constantly shifting weight. Even at a relatively low speed, a tank that is less than three-fourths full may cause a truck to tip or roll over if it is improperly maneuvered.
Drivers of tanker trucks must be particularly vigilant in obeying traffic laws and trucking regulations. They must drive with full awareness of how each maneuver may affect the liquid cargo they are carrying. If a driver gets behind the wheel while fatigued (in violation of hours-of-service regulations) or while under the influence of alcohol, street drugs or even prescription medication, that driver may be at an increased risk of causing a collision. The same applies to a truck driver who is simply careless or negligent, speeding, following too closely behind another vehicle or texting while driving.
Taking the size and weight of a tanker truck into consideration, it is fairly easy to see why a collision with such a vehicle could be catastrophic. Another factor that can greatly increase the severity of the collision is the type of cargo the tanker is carrying. Volatile materials like gasoline or chemicals may explode or catch fire after impact, burning at such high temperatures that they demolish everything in their path. If they spill, they can even have a lasting impact on the plants, wildlife and roads and may require special clean-up crews to address health and environmental concerns.
If you were involved in a tanker truck accident, do not take any chances with your case. Call a truck accident attorney at our firm and find out what you can do and what our attorneys can do to protect your legal rights and interests. You may be facing a long, painful and expensive road to recovery, but seeking a fair settlement or jury award can make all the difference. Call today for a free case review.
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