Injured in a train accident? Talk to a train accident lawyer.

Although travel by train, metro or subway is often affordable and convenient, it may also be dangerous. Train accidents are much less common than auto accidents, but due to the number of passengers often involved and the extent of damage an accident of this kind may cause, a train accident will typically be much more serious. A passenger involved in a train accident may suffer from catastrophic injuries or may die.

What causes train accidents?

A train accident may be caused by driver negligence, such as a train driver who falls asleep or is otherwise distracted or not paying attention and therefore fails to slow down, stop or alter course. Negligent track maintenance may also cause an accident of this kind to occur, if there is an object on the rails or if the rails themselves are defective. Another potential cause is negligent maintenance of the train itself. No matter the circumstances of your accident and injuries and whether you were injured in a train accident or at the train station, one of our experienced  Metrolink & Amtrak train crash lawyers at our law offices can meet with you to talk to you about your case and options.

Free Case Review with a Train Accident Lawyer Near You

At Pacific Attorney Group, we help train accident victims throughout Los Angeles and all the surrounding areas in California. Your initial consultation with an attorney at our firm is free, and at this time we can talk to you about the incident, your injuries and what legal options you may have in bringing a lawsuit against the person or party responsible. Metrolink & Amtrak Train crash lawyers handle both injury and wrongful death claims of this kind.

Do I Have A Case?

the initial consultation is free

Call or email us to schedule a free consultation. You can reach us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our attorneys will travel to wherever is most convenient for you to meet and speak about your case.