Riding is the way of life for millions of Americans. Although riding a motorcycle is a huge thrill, it also represents a big risk for serious injuries. Any driver can cause major harm to a motorcycle rider with the slightest mistake made on the road. Injuries can be life-changing and can leave unimagined disabilities.
Injured California victims are protected when represented by an auto accident lawyer. Our legal team works to seek the maximum compensation from all liable parties. Not only will they resolve all insurance claims, but they will also determine if a lawsuit is necessary.
Simply contact Mr. Car Accident Lawyer in San Luis Obispo. We service all of California at no cost to you. Our lawyers only get paid if you win the case.
With help from an attorney, you’ll be able to be compensated for lost wages, medical bills, pain and suffering, and other related expenses and losses.
Contact us for a free video or phone consultation and we’ll explain all your legal options.
Avoiding an accident is everyone’s goal. Let’s see some common causes of motorcycle Accidents in California:
An accident for a motorcycle is exponentially much more devastating than when inside a car. According to the Insurance Information Institute, a motorcycle rider is 28 times more likely to have a fatal crash than any car passenger, per vehicle mile traveled.
Clients were rear ended by a utility vehicle.
Judgment for wrongful death of pedestrian struck by motor vehicle.
Car accident causing a traumatic brain injury resulting in a policy limits settlement prior to filing suit.
Policy limits settlement for clients’ who suffered spinal injuries. No surgeries required. The case settled before suit was filed.
Speeding vehicle struck client’s parked car.
Car accident causing a traumatic brain injury resulting in a policy limits settlement prior to filing suit.
If you or a loved one has been seriously injured or a loved one has died due to the negligence of another driver in an automobile accident, contact us today.