San Diego city has a population of slightly above one million people. The majority of these people are either own a car, truck or motorcycle. Statistics show that San Diego records over twenty-one thousand fatalities and injuries caused due to road accidents. Every car accident victim will need some form of compensation to cover for various damages. This is why Mr. Car Accident Lawyer is here to help start your road to justice.

The firm is among the top-rated Statewide Car Attorneys taking the lead against rogue road behavior. As of the present, there are over 300 million dollars recovered for clients by this remarkable car accident lawyer. This level of success has been a possibility because of the dedication the firm puts into helping the clients get compensation from the relevant parties. This car accident attorney is among the very few lawyers that offer free consultation services. Most people after an accident go through months of hospitalization. The ones who are unlucky end up suffering either partial or permanent disability hence can’t work. This means that making them pay for consultation can be financially draining. As part of service to humanity at Mr. Car Accident Attorney, consultation is free.

Also, personal injury claims that result from a car accident can drag for years. This is demoralizing for most accident victims. Mr. Car Accident Lawyer knows very well that justice delayed is justice denied. Clients that go through this firm get quick compensation for their injuries. This is not magic that this firm exercises, the principle of expediting proceedings is one that every lawyer is called to exercise. Therefore these attorneys often write to the insurance company that is a party to the proceedings and invite them for an out of court settlement. Most insurance firms will rarely reject such an invitation. Mr. Car Accident Attorney does not do this in the interest of the court, their firm or the defendant. They do this in the interest of justice and you as a client. This way clients get quick compensation for their injuries hence meeting the intent of justice.


When you hire us, you’re adding unmatched experience to your team, ensuring you get the best possible outcome.


Our firm maintains an impressive 99% win rate, even while accepting difficult cases other law firms have turned away.


We are not afraid of trial, and insurance companies know this. If it’s in your best interest, we are always trial ready.

The services offered by Mr. Car Accident Attorney are not limited to just car accidents, even a motorcycle accident or a truck accident can all be handled. This law firm has the competence and capacity to handle all sorts of road accidents. Whether the accident involves the recovery of damages whether material or bodily, Mr. Car Accident Attorney has your back.

Contact :

  • 750 B St, San Diego #3440, CA 92101
  • (619) 332-2588



If you or a loved one has been seriously injured or a loved one has died due to the negligence of another driver in an automobile accident, contact us today.