Fresno Car Accident Lawyer
When you have been involved in a car accident, you are likely suffering from physical as well as emotional pain. And to add insult to injury, you are also suffering financial difficulties, since you will likely be losing income from being unable to work, as well as incurring medical expenses that are quickly adding up. If you are facing these and other difficulties, it’s imperative to speak with a Modesto accident lawyer as soon as possible. By doing so, you’ll learn if the details of your accident should result in the filing of a personal injury claim. To ensure your lawyer builds the strongest possible case, you should make sure to follow certain steps along the way.

Seek Medical Treatment
Even if you believe your car accident is minor and you don’t require medical treatment, it’s always best to see a doctor as soon as possible. In many situations, car accident victims initially believe they are fine, only to start experiencing difficulties days later. Since injuries such as whiplash, herniated discs, or other injuries may take some time to show themselves, having a medical evaluation as soon as possible after the accident can detect these injuries sooner, and have them properly documented by a doctor. By failing to do so, the defendant’s attorney and insurance company will attempt to prove you are faking injuries, or did not sustain them as a result of the car accident.


When you hire us, you’re adding unmatched experience to your team, ensuring you get the best possible outcome.


Our firm maintains an impressive 99% win rate, even while accepting difficult cases other law firms have turned away.


We are not afraid of trial, and insurance companies know this. If it’s in your best interest, we are always trial ready.

Take Pictures of the Accident Scene
Since virtually everyone has a smartphone in their possession today, it’s possible to take pictures while still at the accident scene. If possible do this yourself, but if you are too injured or shaken to do so, have a passenger or other individual do this for you. Focus on damage to the vehicles, any skid marks on the road, weather conditions, or other factors that could have contributed to the accident. Along with pictures, also be sure to obtain names and contact information of the other driver and any witnesses to the accident, as well as names or badge numbers of police who respond to the accident.

Beware of Insurance Companies
If you have been involved in a car accident and file a personal injury lawsuit, be prepared to hear from representatives of the defendant’s insurance company soon afterwards. If this occurs, the insurance company will act as if they are extremely concerned about your situation, and will likely make you an offer to settle your case before going to court. However, beware in these situations, since your response can ultimately determine how much compensation you may receive. In these instances, the offer from the insurance company will usually be far less than you will need to pay medical bills, be compensated for loss of income, and the physical and emotional pain and suffering resulting from the accident. In addition to this, if you take the insurance company’s offer, you are likely giving up your rights to sue for additional damages. Therefore, if you are contacted by an insurance company, refer them to your attorney.

Be Upfront with your Attorney
Once you have hired a Modesto accident lawyer to handle you car accident case, always be sure to work with them as closely as possible from start to finish. To begin with, always answer their questions truthfully, since this can be crucial to helping your lawyer plan a winning strategy for your case. By leaving out key details of your accident or lying to your attorney, you will quickly sabotage your chances of receiving the compensation you deserve for your injuries. Also, be sure to stay in constant communication with your attorney. Although most reputable personal injury lawyers will keep you abreast as to the developments of your case, always make sure if you have any questions, contact your attorney as soon as possible.

Negotiating a Settlement
While some car accident cases go to trial, the vast majority are settled out-of-court. Not only does this generally allow for a quicker resolution of the matter, but it also usually results in victims receiving the full and fair compensation they deserve. By hiring an attorney who will protect your rights, the defendant’s attorney and insurance company will often realize it is best to negotiate a reasonable settlement.

Schedule a Consultation
If you are suffering physically, emotionally, and financially due to a car accident caused by the carelessness of others, schedule a free consultation with a Modesto accident lawyer. To start on the path to compensation, contact AccidentLawyers today.

Contact :

  • 470 E Herndon Ave, Fresno #213, CA 93720
  • 559-550-6611



If you or a loved one has been seriously injured or a loved one has died due to the negligence of another driver in an automobile accident, contact us today.