Drunk Driving Accident Attorney
When a person makes the choice to get behind the wheel after drinking, they put the lives and safety of others at serious risk. Drunk driving is a common offense throughout Los Angeles, even despite continual education and public safety announcements regarding the subject. Despite the warnings from DUI accident victims, families of victims, past DUI offenders, law enforcement officials and awareness groups like Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) people are still willing to take the risk and operate a vehicle after consuming alcoholic beverages. If you know someone who was recently injured or killed in an accident that was caused by a drunk driver, we at Pacific Attorney Group can help you take legal action against the responsible party.
Helping DUI Victims and Families in California
Drinking and driving is a concerning issue in the U.S. with over 11,000 fatalities caused ever year by drunk drivers alone. Drinking impairs judgment and augments reaction time. In California, a person is considered legally intoxicated if they possess a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08 percent or higher. Many believe that even after a few drinks it is still ok to drive, however statistics show us that is not the case.
Roughly three in every ten Americans will be involved in an alcohol related auto accident. One can recover for the loss of a family member that fell victim to a drunk driving accident through a wrongful death action. Furthermore, injured parties may also file suit against the negligent drunk drivers that caused the accident. Our drunk driving accident and injury attorneys in Los Angeles can help you and your loved ones recover for any loses you may have incurred through a drunk driving accident.
Injured by a drunk driver? Call a drunk driving accident attorney at our firm.
People who drink and drive put everyone’s life at significant risk. When you or one of your loved ones is injured during a drunk driving accident our lawyers can help you get the monetary compensation you are entitled to for your injuries. Our lawyers firmly believe in standing up for injured DUI accident victims. Injured victims need to be given a voice when it comes to these situations and that is exactly how the attorneys at our firm treat each and every client who comes to them seeking representation.
DUI accident victims also tend to suffer injuries that cause them to miss school, lose their jobs, and perhaps even their dignity. It is a shame that an injured victim may not have the resources or tools to pay for their recovery on their own and it simply doesn’t seem right that a victim should be the one struggling to get by financially because of those injuries. Obtaining maximum compensation amounts will be your attorney’s highest priority when handling your injury claim and they will fight hard to make sure that you are taken care of after being injured in a drunk driving accident.
Drunk Driving Accident Attorney
When a person makes the choice to get behind the wheel after drinking, they put the lives and safety of others at serious risk. Drunk driving is a common offense throughout Los Angeles, even despite continual education and public safety announcements regarding the subject. Despite the warnings from DUI accident victims, families of victims, past DUI offenders, law enforcement officials and awareness groups like Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) people are still willing to take the risk and operate a vehicle after consuming alcoholic beverages. If you know someone who was recently injured or killed in an accident that was caused by a drunk driver, we at Pacific Attorney Group can help you take legal action against the responsible party.
Helping DUI Victims and Families in California
Drinking and driving is a concerning issue in the U.S. with over 11,000 fatalities caused ever year by drunk drivers alone. Drinking impairs judgment and augments reaction time. In California, a person is considered legally intoxicated if they possess a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08 percent or higher. Many believe that even after a few drinks it is still ok to drive, however statistics show us that is not the case.
Roughly three in every ten Americans will be involved in an alcohol related auto accident. One can recover for the loss of a family member that fell victim to a drunk driving accident through a wrongful death action. Furthermore, injured parties may also file suit against the negligent drunk drivers that caused the accident. Our drunk driving accident and injury attorneys in Los Angeles can help you and your loved ones recover for any loses you may have incurred through a drunk driving accident.
Injured by a drunk driver? Call a drunk driving accident attorney at our firm.
People who drink and drive put everyone’s life at significant risk. When you or one of your loved ones is injured during a drunk driving accident our lawyers can help you get the monetary compensation you are entitled to for your injuries. Our lawyers firmly believe in standing up for injured DUI accident victims. Injured victims need to be given a voice when it comes to these situations and that is exactly how the attorneys at our firm treat each and every client who comes to them seeking representation.
DUI accident victims also tend to suffer injuries that cause them to miss school, lose their jobs, and perhaps even their dignity. It is a shame that an injured victim may not have the resources or tools to pay for their recovery on their own and it simply doesn’t seem right that a victim should be the one struggling to get by financially because of those injuries. Obtaining maximum compensation amounts will be your attorney’s highest priority when handling your injury claim and they will fight hard to make sure that you are taken care of after being injured in a drunk driving accident.
Do I Have A Case?
the initial consultation is free
Call or email us to schedule a free consultation. You can reach us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our attorneys will travel to wherever is most convenient for you to meet and speak about your case.