Los Angeles Truck Accident Lawyer

A City On Wheels
Los Angeles has been called a city on wheels. Anyone who has driven on any of its thoroughfares may well agree. The city is one of the most spread out metropolitan areas in the world, and as such has some of the greatest number of vehicles in any place. The more vehicles and traffic-related necessities combine with daily life, the more accidents there will be, period. Especially as trucks are concerned, accidents can be costly, deadly, complicated, and expensive. Firstly, many truck accidents involve corporate insurance agencies. If you’ve been in an accident where you were injured by a truck driver, that corporate insurance group may not be thinking about how best to help you recover. Certainly some organizations do have the well-being of the public in mind, but not many. Then there are government contracting jobs involving trucks, natural disasters–you begin to see just how integral proper legal representation can be. Especially in Los Angeles, where law has a continual flux about it impossible to deny, those sustaining personal injury in a truck accident need Los Angeles truck accident attorneys they can trust.

Items To Consider Before Accepting Representation
Firstly, you’re looking to be sure that you’ve got a cogent firm on the line. One of the best ways to do that is to check if they have a consultation fee attached to their services. If you’ve been in an accident with a truck, the likelihood is there is an available settlement for you; especially if any proof of negligence can be found. The right firm will have handled so many cases like this that it won’t affect their bottom line to give you an opinion about whether or not a settlement is attainable. The firm that does charge you must not win in court very often, because pre-representation fees are a desperate bid for income.

A Decade Or More
Look for a firm with at least ten years’ service under its belt. An offshoot from a larger firm is fine, but if you go with the “new kids on the block”, as it were, you’re not likely to see any bottom-of-the-ninth legal recoveries. Law requires experience that is lived, not learned.

Close Assistance Throughout The Legal Process
The right legal firm will handle as much of the legal landscape as is possible, because they’ve got the experience to do the best for you. You should expect the attorney to deal with the insurance agencies; they’ll necessarily to a more effective job at getting you the requisite justice for sustained injury.

LA Firm Handling Truck Accident Claims

When you’ve been in a truck accident in Los Angeles, the next step can often be incredibly confusing. Truck accident victims should visit a doctor to determine the depth of their injuries. The next phase of the process involves consulting a lawyer to determine compensation.

A Los Angeles truck accident attorney from the Pacific Attorney Group can determine who is liable for your injuries through negligent or distracted driving. Compensation comes from determining who is at fault and proving they are responsible for your injuries. Along with compensation for injuries that can pay for medical bills, financial restitution might involve money for lost wages, future medical treatments or emotional trauma from the accident.

A Los Angeles truck accident attorney should be consulted at the earliest possible moment to ensure that you are able to receive the compensation that you’re due.

After an accident, you’ll be looking for a Los Angeles truck accident lawyer for your case. The law firm should have years of experience dealing with cases exactly like yours. The Pacific Attorney Group services clients throughout the Los Angeles area and has for over 35 years.

At the initial meeting, we evaluate each case to ensure that we are able to provide a dedicated and complete service to our clients. We’ll keep you informed of every step in your case, and make every effort possible to bring about the fairest and highest amount of compensation for each client.

The Pacific Attorney Group offers a free initial consultation to discuss whether you have a case, and how we can help you with compensation for your injuries, lost wages and trauma.

While we’re a personal injury law firm, we specialize in handling truck accident cases. You want a lawyer who has specialized knowledge in your type of accident handling your case. With our experience, we know all the laws that could impact the outcome of your accident claim.

There are many areas of expertise that our firm has experience in when it comes to Los Angeles truck accident claims.
Truck accidents involving motor vehicles
Truck accidents involving motorcycles
Truck accidents involving a bus
Truck accidents with pedestrians involved
Truck accidents involving delivery or commercial vehicles
Truck accidents with bicycles involved

If you are involved in an accident with a truck, we’re able to help you get the compensation you need. Call us today to schedule a consultation in our office, so we can help you decide whether you have a case or not.

Los Angeles 18-Wheeler Truck Accident Lawyer

Help for Victims of 18-Wheeler Truck Accidents

Have you been involved in an accident with an 18-wheeler? If so, it is likely that you were seriously injured and that your vehicle sustained a great deal of damage. 18-wheeler accidents are often very serious, and retaining legal counsel is an important choice to make as early in the process as possible – as you may have the right to seek financial damages for your injuries but will need to prove that the other party (the truck driver or another person or entity) was responsible. A Los Angeles truck accident lawyer at our firm can offer you a free initial consultation to talk about your case and legal options.

The attorneys at Pacific Attorney Group have more than three decades of experience and extensive resources to apply to your case. Call us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to talk to an attorney about your particular accident: our toll-free number is 800-358-9617.

About 18-Wheeler Trucks

An 18-wheeler is a type of large truck that gained its name for having 18 wheels. A typical 18-wheeler typically is composed of two parts: the tractor (which holds the driver and engine) and a trailer (which carries cargo.) The tractor may have three axles: a front axle with two wheels and two rear axles with double wheels on each side. This accounts for a total of 10 wheels on the front part of the truck, and another 8 wheels on the trailer, which will typically have two axles at the rear with dual wheels on each. As such, you have a standard 18-wheeler. These vehicles may weigh anywhere from 10,000 to 80,000 pounds, depending on the particular vehicle and the cargo it is carrying.

Contact a Los Angeles 18-wheeler accident attorney at our offices today to schedule your consultation.

If you are interested in receiving a free consultation regarding your big rig accident case, contact a Los Angeles big rig accident attorney at our law offices. We are ready to take your calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1-800-358-9617.

Los Angeles Delivery Truck Accident Lawyer

FedEx, UPS and Other Delivery Truck Accidents

Accidents involving delivery trucks may cause serious physical or emotional injuries to unsuspecting motorists, pedestrians and cyclists. Although the specific cause of an accident may vary depending on the specific case, a delivery truck accident may be caused by driver negligence or error, or wrongdoing on the part of the delivery company in maintaining the vehicle, performing background checks on drivers, or scheduling routes. At Pacific Attorney Group, we represent victims of all types of truck accidents throughout the greater LA area in Southern California, and we are ready to offer you an initial consultation to see how we can help.

If you or someone you know was injured in an accident with a delivery truck, such as a UPS, FedEx or DHL vehicle, you may have grounds for a personal injury claim against the party that caused the accident. Our attorneys can conduct an investigation to get to the bottom of the matter and determine exactly what caused your accident, therefore enabling you the opportunity to file an injury claim and seek financial compensation for medical care, lost earnings and other damages associated with the accident and your injuries.

Why Do Delivery Truck Accidents Occur?

Delivery truck drivers for companies such as FedEx or UPS are often on tight deadlines and may be required to deliver packages as quickly as possible or fall behind on their scheduled deliveries. This may mean that they will make mistakes or reckless choices while behind the wheel. The majority of traffic accidents throughout the U.S. are caused as a result of driver negligence or error, and delivery truck accidents are no exception. Additional causes may include poor vehicle maintenance, defective auto parts or poor road/weather conditions.

Let a lawyer at our firm investigate your accident claim and discover what party can be held liable. Contact a Los Angeles delivery truck accident attorney at Pacific Attorney Group today.

Los Angeles Dozer Accident Lawyer

Los Angeles Construction Injury Lawyer

Were you injured in a dozer accident? You may have suffered serious injury that resulted in hospitalization and a great deal of missed work. You may have also suffered emotional trauma and financial difficulties due to the accident. If you are interested in finding out what money you may be able to recover for your injuries, please contact a Los Angeles construction accident lawyer at our law firm to schedule a free consultation. We may be able to file a personal injury or workers’ compensation claim on your behalf, depending on whether you were a worker at the construction site or were a visitor or passerby.

Bulldozers are extremely useful machines that are found at all types of heavy construction sites throughout Los Angeles. Unfortunately, when used improperly or in the event of an equipment malfunction, a construction worker or visitor to a site may be at risk of serious injury. A bulldozer may roll over or may collide with another vehicle or a fixed object, causing injury to the operator. Others at the construction site may also be at risk of being involved in a dozer accident, if the operator loses control or does not see a worker standing in the way. A bulldozer may literally crush a person and may therefore cause catastrophic or fatal injuries.

Your Rights after a Dozer Accident

A bulldozer is an exceedingly powerful, massive machine. A person who has been injured in a bulldozer accident may be able to recover financial compensation for his or her physical injuries, as well as for emotional trauma. A family who has lost a loved one in a dozer accident in the LA area may also be able to file a claim to receive compensation for medical bills, funeral costs, and possibly more.

Find out more about your rights in the wake of an accident involving a bulldozer. Contact a Los Angeles dozer accident attorney at our law firm today.

Los Angeles Fatal Truck Accident Lawyer

Filing a Wrongful Death Claim After a Truck Accident

While death is an unfortunate part of life, it is always tragic when an individual’s life is cut short due to the irresponsibility or negligence of another human being. If your loved one has been fatally injured in a recent trucking accident in the Los Angeles area or a surrounding community, listen closely – we may be able to help.

At Pacific Attorney Group, our team of injury lawyers has over 35 years of experience in the field and can work aggressively to pursue benefits on your behalf. We truly understand that losing a loved one will leave you grief-stricken and may force you to shy away from others for some time. However, we know that obtaining a settlement for the harm that a truck driver has caused you and your family is absolutely crucial if you wish to stay out of debt.

Having a family member suffer serious injuries in an accident will leave you with dozens of medical bills. If they pass away and are therefore unable to pay these bills, they will be left to your responsibility. Without a settlement, you may be unable to pay these bills on time and find serious consequences as a result. While this system may seem unfair, we have devised an effective strategy to help you and your family obtain the settlement you deserve and to get you back on your feet again.

Wrongful Death Claims & Fatal Truck Accidents in Los Angeles

Due to the large size of trucks, they often cause catastrophic damages to the other vehicles or pedestrian in which they collide with. Even a truck moving at a slow speed can do great harm to another auto on the road. If the accident your loved one was involved in was caused by a drunk driver, distracted driver or tired truck driver, now is the time to call a Los Angeles wrongful death lawyer from our firm. We have seen cases similar to yours come through here and we have fought until our very last breath to ensure that these families are not blindsided by the mounting medical bills coming their way. Call us today for a free consultation of your case and to learn how you can secure benefits for your family.

For more information about wrongful death claims and how our office can help you, contact a los Angeles truck accident attorney.

Los Angeles Filing a Truck Accident Injury Claim

If you were injured in a truck accident, you may have grounds for an injury claim against the responsible party. Filing a truck accident injury claim will be the only way you can seek financial compensation for your injuries; this is most often accomplished with an insurance claim but damages may also be sought by filing a lawsuit in civil court. Truck accidents have a number of causes and different parties that may be held liable. Depending on the nature of your accident and exactly what circumstances led to your injuries, you may be able to bring your injury claim against the negligent truck driver or perhaps the trucking company or manufacturer of the truck itself.

If you have questions about preparing a truck accident claim and what you can do after a truck accident in order to help your chances of making a full financial recovery for your injuries, contact a lawyer at our offices today. Your initial consultation is free, and we will be happy to answer your questions and address your concerns in order to help you make an informed decision about your case.

Truck Accident Claim Attorney in Los Angeles

When you file your truck accident injury claim, it will be helpful to have an attorney at your side not only to help ensure that the responsible party is held liable but also to ensure that the true value of your claim is represented. This may be accomplished by working with medical professionals, economists and psychologists who can establish the financial and emotional impact your injuries have made upon you and your family.

Get help with filing an injury claim after a Los Angeles truck accident. Contact an injury lawyer at Pacific Attorney Group today.

Los Angeles Preparing for a Truck Accident Claim Lawyer

You or someone you know has been involved in a truck accident. You may wish to better understand what you can do to prepare for your truck accident claim, which will allow you to seek financial damages for your injuries. By calling our offices at 800-670-8142 or contacting us online, you can set up a consultation with a truck accident claim attorney who can answer your questions and determine what options you have at this point.

Steps to Prepare for Your Truck Accident Case

There are steps you can take after a truck accident that may better prepare you and your attorney in filing a truck accident claim. For example, obtaining the contact information of witnesses present at the scene and taking pictures may go a long way in preserving important evidence. Additionally, keeping detailed notes of your own recollection of the accident as well as detailed medical records can help your attorney support your story and seek fair financial damages for your injuries.

Another helpful step to take in preparing for your truck accident claim is to avoid talking to the other party’s insurance company. The insurance adjuster may contact you to ask you questions or get a statement about the truck accident, but this may be in an attempt to have you say or do something that indicates you may have caused the accident. This may limit the other party’s liability.

Los Angeles Truck Accident Attorney

In summary, to best prepare for a truck accident claim it is important to consult with a lawyer as soon as possible, preserve any evidence you can, and avoid talking to the other party’s insurance company.

For more information about your particular claim and legal options, contact a Los Angeles truck accident lawyer at Pacific Attorney Group today!

Los Angeles Semi Truck Accident Lawyer

A semi truck is a vehicle, most often used for the transportation of cargo, which is normally comprised of a tractor that houses the engine and driver and a semi-trailer that carries the cargo. These large trucks are known colloquially as “semis” or “semi trucks” and are used throughout the United States in all types of industries to transport goods from place to place. Unfortunately, the presence of tractor-trailers on roadways places other drivers as well as pedestrians and bicyclists at risk of being involved in truck accidents. Because a semi truck may weigh up to 80,000 pounds or even more, these traffic collisions are often catastrophic or fatal.

If you or someone you know was recently involved in a semi truck accident, please contact Pacific Attorney Group as soon as possible. Your initial consultation with a Los Angeles truck accident lawyer at our firm is free, and we accept phone calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to see how we can help. Call us toll-free at 800-358-9617 for more information about our services and how we can help you.

Consequences of Semi Truck Accidents

Being involved in a semi truck accident may leave a victim or numerous victims with serious injuries, including head injuries, spinal cord injuries, burns, amputation, and damage to internal organs. This will lead to medical bills from hospitalization and continued treatment, as well as possible financial difficulties if the victim misses work. Fortunately, a semi truck accident victim may seek money for medical care and other losses by working with an attorney and filing an insurance claim or lawsuit against the party that caused the accident.

Los Angeles Serious and Fatal Truck Accident Injuries Lawyer

Los Angeles Truck Accident & Injury Lawyer

Serious injuries may result from virtually any truck accident, including one that is considered relatively minor or that occurs at a low speed. The size and weight of a commercial truck makes it instantly dangerous in the event of a traffic collision, and the people who are most likely to sustain serious injury or lose their lives are the occupants of other vehicles, pedestrians, or cyclists (according to statistics compiled by the National Traffic Highway Safety Administration, in 2008 74% of injury victims and 84% of victims who lost their lives in truck accidents were people other than the occupants of the large trucks.)

If you or someone you know was seriously injured in a truck accident in Los Angeles, talk to an injury attorney at Pacific Attorney Group to see how our law firm can assist you in filing a personal injury claim against the driver that caused the accident. Depending on the case, you may be able to recover significant financial damages for the injuries you have sustained, particularly if these were catastrophic in nature.

For a free truck accident case evaluation, call us at 800-670-8142 or contact us online. We accept calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and will be happy to see how we can assist you.

Serious Injuries from Truck Accidents in Los Angeles

A traffic accident involving a large truck may cause life-changing injuries. When the force of impact is strong enough, a victim in a truck accident may suffer from severe head trauma, nerve damage, paralysis, spinal cord injury, or other physical and emotional injuries that will result in hospitalization, surgery, physical therapy and an inability to work for an extended period of time. A victim may also be unable to return to work at all or may require medical assistance or help with day-to-day activities for years or for life.

Los Angeles Tractor Trailer Accident Lawyer

If you have been injured in a truck accident involving a tractor trailer, you may have grounds for a civil lawsuit against the person or party that caused the accident and therefore your injuries. With the help of a Los Angeles tractor trailer accident attorney, you may be able to recover financial damages for physical, emotional and financial injuries that resulted from the accident. For more information, call Pacific Attorney Group at 800-358-9617 to schedule a free consultation with an experienced lawyer.

About Tractor Trailers

A tractor trailer is a type of truck that consists of two or more parts: a tractor that carries the engine and the driver, and one or more trailers that carry cargo. Although the most common tractor-trailers seen throughout Los Angeles have only trailer, these may have multiple trailers depending on the cargo being carried. Tractor trailers are actually known by many terms, all related to these large commercial vehicles, including: 18-wheelers, big rigs, and semi trucks.

A tractor trailer may weigh up to 80,000 pounds or even more and may be up to 75 feet in length. The immense size of these vehicles makes them extremely dangerous in the event of even a minor collision, as the other vehicle in the accident may sustain serious damage and the truck may remain virtually unblemished.

What You Can Do After a Tractor Trailer Accident

An important step to take after a tractor trailer accident is to contact a lawyer. You may be able to hold the negligent driver or other party that caused the accident responsible for their actions, but it may be difficult to prove exactly what caused the accident to occur as well as what your claim should be worth. A lawyer should have the resources to address these matters and work to protect your interests as you file your claim and seek the money and justice you deserve.

Los Angeles Truck Accident Causes

Los Angeles Truck Accident Lawyer

What causes truck accidents? These may have any of a number of potential causes: driver error, distractions, speeding, violation of a traffic law, drunk driving, equipment malfunction, or an improperly balanced truck load. At times a combination of one or more factors may lead to a truck accident. As such it may be difficult to determine exactly what caused a truck accident to occur and therefore what party should be held liable. This is one of many reasons to consider including an attorney as soon as possible in the wake of an accident with a big rig, semi truck or tractor trailer.

Your initial case evaluation with a Los Angeles truck accident lawyer at Pacific Attorney Group is confidential and free. Call us at 800-670-8142 today to see about scheduling your consultation with a legal professional with the knowledge and experience to properly address your claim or lawsuit.

Most Common Causes of Truck Accidents

Although there are numerous factors that may lead to a truck accident, there are particular causes that are more common. Driver error or inexperience is the most common cause of truck accidents in the U.S., and speeding and drunk driving are also common factors in all types of traffic accidents, including those involving large trucks. Negligence (the failure to act with proper caution or care) would count as driver error and may include drivers who are talking on the phone, tired, adjusting the radio or otherwise acting carelessly.

Our law firm helps clients throughout Los Angeles and the surrounding areas in handling their insurance claims or lawsuits related to all types of truck accidents, including truck vs. car accidents, truck vs. pedestrian accidents, truck vs. motorcycle accidents, truck vs. bicycle accidents, and much more.

Los Angeles Truck Accident Injuries Attorney

Injury Lawyer for Truck Accidents in Los Angeles

Truck accident injuries are often very serious. The force of impact alone may literally crush a smaller vehicle and cause extensive property damage as well as catastrophic physical injuries to any drivers, passengers, motorcyclists, pedestrians or bicyclists involved. Although the type and extent of injury sustained in any truck accident may vary greatly from person to person, the common denominator will be medical bills, the possibility of missed work, and the likelihood of a temporary or permanent disability.

If you or a loved one suffered serious injury in a truck accident in Los Angeles, an attorney at our law firm may be able to assist you in filing an injury claim to seek financial damages for your medical bills, lost earnings, future medical treatment, and possibly more. We understand that recovering in the wake of an accident of this magnitude may be difficult. That is why we want to assist you in recovering the money you deserve and can use to receive the medical treatment and continued care you need.

Types of Truck Accident Injuries

There are numerous types of truck accident injuries. These will vary depending on the particular accident, but some of the most common injuries associated with truck accidents include: whiplash, broken bones, internal organ damage, internal bleeding, spinal cord injury, head trauma, brain injury, burn injuries, and crush injuries.

No matter what injuries you or a loved one may have sustained in a truck accident, you may have the right to seek financial damages from the liable party. For a free consultation regarding your particular case, call our offices at 800-358-9617. We will be happy to discuss the matter with you and determine what we can do to help.

Los Angeles Truck Accident Insurance Claims Lawyer

After being involved in a Los Angeles truck accident, you will likely have to deal with filing an insurance claim. The majority of traffic accidents throughout the U.S. are covered by insurance benefits, and truck accidents are no different. You may have to deal with an insurance adjuster from your own insurance company as well as a representative from another driver’s insurance company, which may present unique difficulties if any party involved tries to take advantage of your or unfairly deny or delay your claim – or offer you a settlement that is below the true worth of your case.

Don’t hesitate in contacting a truck accident lawyer at our Los Angeles law firm for help with your claim. Insurance claims for truck accidents may be particularly complex because the liable party may be a trucking company, rather than an individual driver. If you were injured in a truck accident involving a delivery truck or any vehicle owned and operated by a commercial trucking company, you may be left dealing with a highly complex claim or an attorney or team of attorneys actively working to limit your potential financial recovery. With an attorney at your side to represent your interests and protect you against any unreasonable or unethical practices by the trucking company or its representatives, you have a far better opportunity of recovering a top value settlement that will actually cover your injuries. And if a negotiated settlement simply cannot be reached, your lawyer can take your case to civil court to be resolved in front of a judge and jury.

Consult a Los Angeles Truck Accident Insurance Claim Lawyer

Our attorneys have more than 35 years of collective legal experience and a thoroughly dedicated approach to every truck accident insurance claim we handle.

Los Angeles Truck Accident Lawyer

About Truck Accident & Injury Attorney in Los Angeles

Truck accidents are a serious form of traffic-related accident. The term “truck accident” typically refers to a collision involving a large truck, which is a vehicle with a gross weight of more than 10,000 pounds. These may include all types of commercial vehicles and delivery trucks and are often referred to as semi trucks, big rigs, tractor trailers or 18-wheelers. When a truck of this size and weight collides with a typical passenger vehicle, pedestrian or bicyclist, the results are often catastrophic. The truck may literally crush another vehicle and yet sustain relatively trivial damage itself. And, according to truck accident statistics compiled by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), truck drivers themselves are far less likely to lose their lives or suffer injury in trucking accidents.

Truck accidents may be caused by a number of different factors, but the most common are related to driver negligence. This may be a simple mistake on the part of a driver, or a driver who is distracted in some way and is not paying full attention to the road and other vehicles. Drunk driving, speeding, reckless driving and talking on the phone or texting are all potential causes of truck accidents. Depending on the circumstances surrounding your accident, a Los Angeles truck accident lawyer at our offices can work to determine who caused your accident and therefore what party should be held liable.

Truck Accident Claims and Lawsuits

If you are interested in finding out what to do after a truck accident and how you can recover financial damages for your injuries, our law offices can offer you a free initial attorney consultation. All you have to do is call us at 800-358-9617 to set up your evaluation. We accept calls 24/7 and will be happy to see how we can help you. We also welcome you to review the information on this site:

18-Wheeler Accidents

“18-wheeler” is a term used to describe large trucks comprised of two parts: the tractor, which holds the driver and engine, and the trailer, which carries the cargo. The tractor typically has three axles and a total of 10 wheels due to a set of tandem wheels on one of the axles. The trailer typically has two sets of dual-wheel axles at the rear, totaling 8 wheels. These 18-wheeled vehicles are designed to carry heavy loads and may weigh up to 80,000 pounds or more when fully loaded. They are therefore extremely dangerous in the event of a collision. Read more about 18-wheeler accidents…

Truck Accident Injuries

Commercial trucks are much larger and heavier than standard passenger cars and other vehicles that they share the road with. This disparity in size increases the likelihood that the occupants of the smaller vehicle will suffer serious injuries. The type of trauma experienced in an accident may include: head injuries, broken bones, damaged internal organs, whiplash, spinal cord injuries and even amputation or dismemberment. Read more about truck accident injuries…

Truck Accident Insurance Claims

Handling an insurance claim after a truck accident can be a particularly complicated process because the at-fault party may be a large trucking company. This company may have extensive resources and even their own attorney or attorneys to handle claims that come up, threatening the ability of the victim to recover fair compensation. At our Los Angeles law firm, we use our resources and experience to properly handle our clients’ insurance claims as we protect their rights and seek the settlements they deserve. Read more about truck accident insurance claims…

Los Angeles Truck Accident Liability Lawyer

Los Angeles Truck Accident Lawyer

If you were injured in a truck accident in Los Angeles, one important question on your mind may be: who can be held liable? Liability in trucking accident may vary depending on exactly what caused the accident and who was responsible. This may be the driver of the truck or perhaps another driver on the road who was driving recklessly or was under the influence of alcohol/drugs. An important step to take will be to talk to an attorney experienced with these matters. With the proper resources, an attorney, investigators and professionals in accident reconstruction can conduct a thorough evaluation of the circumstances that led to your accident in order to establish liability.

At Pacific Attorney Group, we understand that truck accident liability will be a crucial part of your claim. This will enable you to have the opportunity of recovering the financial compensation you deserve for your injuries. Following are potential examples of what party may be held liable in a Los Angeles trucking accident case:

  • Truck driver – drunk driving, driving for too many hours at a time, texting, talking on the phone, and violating truck operator regulations are all examples of how the truck driver may cause an accident.
  • Truck owner – negligence in maintaining or inspecting trucks and equipment related to these may mean that the owner of the truck can be held liable in the event of an accident.
  • Loading company – the company or person that loaded the truck may be held liable if an unbalanced load caused a truck rollover or other accident.
  • Trucking company – negligence in hiring truck drivers (inadequate background checks or improper training) as well as any other form of negligence on the part of the trucking company may mean that they can be held liable.
  • Manufacturer – the manufacturer of a truck or truck part may be held liable if they produced, sold or distributed a defective product of any kind, such as faulty brakes or defective tires.
  • Road authorities – state or local road authorities may be held liable in a trucking accident for negligently maintained, inspected or designed roadways.

Los Angeles Truck Accident Spinal Injury Lawyer

Spine Injury Attorney in Los Angeles

During a truck accident, the vertebrae in the spine may become fractured, broken or dislocated. When this occurs, the spinal cord may sustain damage, resulting in an interruption, weakening or termination of the messages and information the spinal cord relays to and from the brain and the rest of the body. The body from the point of injury on the spinal cord downward may be affected, either by complete or incomplete paralysis. Direct trauma or the force of impact stretching or twisting the spine or neck may cause irreversible spinal cord injury in a truck accident.

Have you or someone you love been injured in a truck accident in the LA area? A Los Angeles spinal injury lawyer at Pacific Attorney Group may be able to help. Our legal team has over 35 years of attorney experience to apply to your case, along with the dedication and determination to see it through to the best resolution possible. When you contact our firm, we will be happy to offer you a free initial consultation to discuss the circumstances that led up to your truck accident as well as the particular injuries you sustained. We can inform you of your legal rights and help you better understand our services and what we can do to help you.

Financial Damages for Truck Accident Spinal Cord Injuries

The financial compensation that a truck accident victim may be able to recover for spinal cord injuries may be significant. Hospitalization, surgery, medication, physical therapy, rehabilitation, and assistive devices are just a few of the medical expenses that may be associated with injuries of this kind.

If you would like to learn more about how you can recover much-needed money in the wake of a Los Angeles truck accident, contact a spinal cord injury attorney at our offices today. We’re here to help.

Los Angeles Truck Accident Statistics Lawyer

Statistics Regarding Truck Accident Injuries and Fatalities

Understanding truck accident statistics gives a person a broader view on the severity of these accidents and how they affect people not just in Los Angeles or the surrounding areas in Southern California but nationwide. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is a leading authority on traffic safety nationwide; their mission: “Save lives, prevent injuries, reduce vehicle-related crashes”. This organization researches and publishes traffic accident statistics nationwide. The following truck accident statistics are compiled from 2008 Traffic Safety Fact Sheets by the NHTSA:

380,000 large trucks (weighing over 10,000 pounds) were involved in traffic accidents in the U.S. in 2008 alone. 66,000 of these were involved in injury collisions, and 4,066 were involved in fatal accidents. The rest were involved in truck accidents resulting in property damage alone.

In 2008, one out of nine traffic-related fatalities resulted from accidents involving large trucks. This is a total of 4,229 people.

The majority of people injured in large truck accidents were occupants of other vehicles or non-occupants (bicyclists or pedestrians.) 74% of people injured were occupants of other vehicles, and 10% were non-occupants.

Truck accidents are most often fatal to parties other than the occupants of the truck. In 2008, 71% of truck accident fatalities were occupants of other vehicles and 3% were non-occupants.

The majority of truck driver fatalities (430 of 677) resulted from single-vehicle collisions.

30% of fatal multi-vehicle truck accidents involved head-on collisions.

64% of fatal truck accidents occurred in rural areas, 67% percent occurred during the day, and 80% on weekdays.

304 people lost their lives in fatal truck accidents in California alone, in 2008. This is the second-highest number of truck accident fatalities of any state in the U.S.

Get more information about your legal rights and options after an accident with a large truck. Contact a Los Angeles truck accident lawyer at Pacific Attorney Group today!

Los Angeles Truck Driver Safety Lawyer

Los Angeles Truck Accidents Caused by Unsafe Truck Drivers

Truck driver safety is an important issue to consider when reviewing truck accidents and their potential causes. Truck drivers have an obligation to obey the rules of the road and drive cautiously, particularly when considering the large vehicles they are controlling. Fully loaded, a semi truck or big rig may weigh in excess of 80,000 pounds! A driver’s actions and failure to follow standard safety protocol may result in a catastrophic collision. A single act of negligence or a decision based on inexperience may place numerous lives at risk.

Were you involved in a truck accident caused by an unsafe driver? A Los Angeles truck accident lawyer at our law firm may be able to help. Call us at 800-358-9617 or contact us online to schedule your free consultation.

Examples of Unsafe Driving

There are many ways that unsafe driving may cause a truck accident to occur. Following are some examples:

  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance (DUI)
  • Driving for too many consecutive hours, leading to weariness and decreased driving abilities
  • Following too closely
  • Driving aggressively
  • Speeding
  • Talking on the phone or texting while driving
  • Failing to check all blind spots before proceeding
  • Overloading a truck
  • Failure to maintain adequate tire pressure or maintain the truck engine
  • Improper reaction in an emergency situation
  • Driving on a road that is not approved for large trucks

If you believe that a lack of truck driver safety caused your accident, you may have grounds for an injury claim against the negligent driver. Your initial consultation with a lawyer at our law firm is free, and we will be happy to discuss driver safety and how this may help you establish liability for your truck accident claim.

Los Angeles Truck Rollover Accident Lawyer

Truck Rollovers

Truck rollover accidents are often catastrophic events. These accidents involve a large truck, such as a delivery truck, 18-wheeler or semi truck that actually tips and rolls over while on the road. When this occurs, the driver of the truck and anyone else in the vicinity of the incident may be at risk of serious injury. In a truck rollover, another vehicle may literally be crushed by the larger vehicle, as may any nearby pedestrian or bicyclist.

Were you or someone you love injured in a truck accident involving a rollover? Pacific Attorney Group represents clients throughout the greater LA area in trucking accident claims of all kinds, working to recover the financial compensation they deserve through their insurance claims or lawsuits. Your initial consultation with a Los Angeles truck rollover lawyer at our firm is free, and we have more than three decades of experience to apply to your legal matter.

Truck Rollovers – What Causes These Accidents?

What causes truck rollover accidents to occur? Large trucks may already be at an increased risk of tipping or rolling over, particularly during heavy weather conditions such as rain or high wind. The extreme size and weight of the truck and its cargo make it more difficult to maneuver even in light weather. If a truck is improperly balanced or loaded, the likelihood of a rollover is greatly increased. For example, a trucking company may overload a truck in an attempt to cut costs and delivery more goods with fewer vehicles. In an emergency situation or in heavy weather, this overloaded truck may have an increased propensity to be involved in a rollover accident.

Los Angeles Truck vs Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Truck vs. Bicycle Accidents

In California, bicyclists have the right to share the road with other drivers. This includes drivers of large trucks, such as 18-wheelers, semi trucks and tractor trailers. Unfortunately, motorists and truck drivers do not always observe a bicyclist’s right of way or may be distracted and will not see a cyclist until it is too late. If you or someone you love has been injured in a truck versus bicycle accident in the Los Angeles area, a lawyer at Pacific Attorney Group may be able to help. We are dedicated to representing clients in all types of truck accident cases, including those involving bicycles. Your initial consultation is free, and we accept calls 24/7 at 800-358-9617 to schedule your appointment and see how we can assist you.

A Los Angeles truck accident attorney at our offices can meet with you to discuss what led to your accident and what injuries you have sustained, as well as what legal options you have in seeking financial compensation for your injuries.

About Truck and Bicycle Accidents

Truck versus bicycle accidents are often very serious, leading to catastrophic injuries most often to the rider of the bicycle. Even in a low-speed accident, the bicyclist may suffer from broken bones, head injury or other serious physical trauma. This may lead to hospitalization and extensive medical bills and the possibility of a temporary or permanent disability.

As the victim of a bicycle accident involving a large truck, you may have the right to seek financial damages for your medical bills and any other expenses or damages that resulted from the accident. Talking to a lawyer is the first step in discovering what your case may be worth and what party may be held liable.

Los Angeles Truck vs Bus Accident Lawyer

Were you injured in a truck versus bus accident in the LA area? At Pacific Attorney Group, we help bus passengers, drivers, pedestrians and cyclists who have been injured in truck accidents involving buses. If you were injured and need the legal counsel of an experienced attorney, call us at 800-358-9617 to schedule a free initial consultation. We represent clients throughout the greater Los Angeles area and have over 35 years of legal experience to apply to your case.

The Result of a Truck versus Bus Accident

The outcome of a truck vs. bus accident is often catastrophic. Both vehicles are typically very large and heavy, and the bus has the added factor of numerous passengers. A bus and truck accident may cause serious injury to both drivers involved as well as to bus passengers and any people who happen to be anywhere in the vicinity of the collision, including drivers and passengers of other vehicles or pedestrians and bicycle riders.

These accident victims may be left hospitalized and facing expensive medical bills, not to mention financial difficulties as a result of missed work. Fortunately, however, they may have the opportunity to take legal action against the party that caused the accident – whether this was the driver of the bus or truck, or the company responsible for operating and maintaining the bus or truck. It may have even been another driver or perhaps an auto part manufacturer that released a defective product.

Contact a Los Angeles Accident Lawyer

The attorneys at our firm take on truck and bus accident cases involving semi trucks and big rigs as well as all types of buses, including school buses, tour buses, public buses, Los Angeles MetroLink buses, and more.

Contact a Los Angeles truck vs. bus accident lawyer at Pacific Attorney Group today. Your initial consultation is free, and you pay nothing for our legal services unless we are successful in recovering compensation on your behalf.

Los Angeles Truck vs Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Truck vs. Motorcycle Accident

Of all truck accidents with other motor vehicles, those involving motorcycles are often the most serious. In a truck accident, a motorcycle will most often sustain the full force of the impact and the most damage, due to the fact that it is much smaller and lighter than a typical commercial truck (which may weigh anywhere from 10,000 to 80,000 pounds, or possibly more). A motorcycle rider has little to no protection in the event of a collision and will often sustain the brunt of impact due to this. Catastrophic injuries or death are common consequences of truck versus motorcycle accidents.

Were you or someone you love involved in a truck versus motorcycle accident? A Los Angeles truck accident lawyer at Pacific Attorney Group may be able to help. We understand that you may have lost someone you loved, or that you may have sustained life-changing injuries that will lead to extensive financial difficulties and emotional trauma. It is our goal to represent your interests and protect your rights as we file an injury claim on your behalf, seeking the financial compensation you deserve for physical, emotional and financial damages.

Call us today at 800-358-9617 to schedule a free initial consultation. We will answer your questions and address your concerns to help you make the right choice about your case.

Truck versus Motorcycle Accident Injuries

Injuries sustained in a truck versus motorcycle accident will typically be severe if not life-threatening and may include head trauma, spinal cord injury, burn injuries, amputation, neck injuries, road rash, internal organ damage, and multiple broken bones. Even with a safety helmet and protective clothing, a motorcycle rider will be at risk of these injuries.

Los Angeles Truck vs Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

About Truck Accidents Involving Pedestrian Injury

A truck versus pedestrian accident is often the most serious type of truck accident that may occur. Large trucks have extensive “blind spots” where the driver either has limited visibility or simply cannot see if an object is in their way. As it is, vehicles are at risk of not being seen by a truck driver if in or near one of these blind spots. Pedestrians have even less of a chance of being spotted, and this chance increases drastically if the truck driver is distracted in any way, is negligent or is inexperienced. For example, a truck stopped at a red light or stop sign may not see a pedestrian passing directly in front of his or her vehicle. A truck reversing from a parking lot or side street may not check behind his or her vehicle and may therefore not see a pedestrian crossing behind.

When an 18-wheeler or other large truck collides with a pedestrian, even at a low speed, the results are often catastrophic – if not deadly. The pedestrian may suffer multiple bone fractures as well as severe head trauma and spinal cord injury.

Negligence and Truck vs. Pedestrian Accidents

The likelihood of a pedestrian accident involving a large truck is greatly increased if the driver is tired, distracted or perhaps driving drunk. A poorly maintained or improperly balanced truck may also cause an accident of this kind to occur, such as due to brake failure or a driver losing control while stopping or maneuvering around a curve. If your truck versus pedestrian accident occurred because of another person’s conduct or negligence, please contact Pacific Attorney Group for a free consultation. We can help to determine how you can file a truck accident claim to seek financial damages for your injuries.

Los Angeles Truck vs Truck Accident Lawyer

Truck versus truck accidents are often grave situations. When two large trucks collide, this may be a combined total of more than 160,000 pounds including the vehicles and their cargo, and this may place not only the drivers of the trucks but other motorists and pedestrians or bicyclists in danger of serious injuries. If you or someone you love was involved in a truck vs. truck accident in the LA area in Southern California, it is important that you consider your options in filing an injury claim. At Pacific Attorney Group, we represent truck drivers and other motorists in cases involving all types of truck accidents, and we can assist you in filing a workers’ compensation claim if you were injured on the job or perhaps a personal injury claim if you were not working.

You may have questions about workers’ compensation benefits or what types of damages your insurance policy covers, or what you can do to seek financial damages from the person who caused the accident. A Los Angeles truck accident lawyer at our firm can meet with you to discuss all of your concerns and answer your questions, enabling you to get the information you need to make an informed decision about moving forward with a claim.

Accused of Causing a Truck vs. Truck Accident?

If you have been accused of causing a truck versus truck accident, you may be in need of legal counsel to investigate the matter and prove that you were not at fault. Causing a serious accident may have serious repercussions, including loss of employment or suspension of your commercial driver’s license.

Los Angeles Uninsured Motorists Truck Accident Lawyer

Los Angeles Truck Accident Lawyer

When a truck accident occurs involving a driver that is uninsured or underinsured, this may leave one or more victims with many questions and concerns as to how they will receive the financial compensation they need for medical care, damage to their vehicles, and more. Fortunately the attorneys at Pacific Attorney Group understand how to address truck accidents involving uninsured motorists. If you or someone you know was recently involved in an accident of any kind with an uninsured or underinsured driver, do not hesitate to call us at 800-358-9617 to schedule your complimentary consultation. This case review will be entirely confidential, and we will take the time to properly address your concerns and answer any questions you may have.

Coverage for Uninsured Motorist Claims

Although your options may seem limited after an uninsured motorist truck accident, your own insurance policy may offer you ample coverage, and an attorney can also look to other resources for recovering your damages.

Insurance policies are typically complex and full of legal jargon. With a Los Angeles truck accident lawyer at your side, you can be sure that your claim is properly reviewed to determine what coverage you may have for uninsured driver accidents. You can also rest assured that any other options for seeking financial compensation are covered. For example, the other driver may have a different insurance policy that may cover some or all of your expenses. In a case involving a hit and run driver, an attorney can even work to locate the driver and determine whether he or she is insured.

Los Angeles Vehicular Manslaughter & Fatal Truck Accident Lawyer

Truck Accident Lawyer Serving Los Angeles

At times, fatal truck accidents may involve the criminal offense of vehicular manslaughter. Under California law, vehicular manslaughter is a criminal offense that involves negligently causing the death of another person while operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance. Vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated may be a felony offense punishable by up to 4 years or 10 years in state prison depending on the particular circumstances of the case.

If you lost a loved one in a truck accident that was caused by a drunk driver, it is possible that the driver will face vehicular manslaughter charges in criminal court. You may also have the right to bring a civil case against the driver in order to seek financial damages for your loss. For more information about your rights as the family member of a person who lost their life in a truck accident in the Los Angeles area, contact Pacific Attorney Group today. Your initial consultation with a truck accident lawyer is free, and we will be happy to take the time to see how we can best assist you.

What Classifies an Accident as Vehicular Manslaughter?

By definition, vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated involves a driver who causes the unlawful death of another person while DUI (driving under the influence) and in the commission of an unlawful act not amounting to a felony. For example, a driver who was intoxicated and was driving recklessly and therefore caused a fatal truck accident may be brought to criminal court to face charges of vehicular manslaughter.

What to do after a Truck Accident?

Los Angeles Truck Accident Lawyer

A truck accident may present numerous serious problems. First and foremost will be physical injuries sustained in the accident, which may lead to hospitalization and therefore extensive medical bills. Financial difficulties often follow due to medical expenses and missed work. Fortunately, there are particular steps you can take after a truck accident in order to positively influence your case and your ability to recover financial damages:

  • Try to remain calm, and stay at the scene.
  • Call 911 to report the accident to the proper authorities.
  • Get the contact information of any other drivers involved as well as of any witnesses who saw what occurred.
  • If possible, take pictures at the scene to preserve evidence.
  • Seek medical attention as soon as possible – even if you feel you are not seriously injured. Some injuries may not present for hours or even days.
  • Contact an attorney for help in dealing with your insurance claim, law enforcement, insurance adjusters and any other parties associated with the accident or any resulting legal action.
  • Notify your insurance company that you have been involved in an accident.

In the time following a truck accident, it is also important to keep detailed records of any memories of the accident as well as any physical or emotional issues you may be having. Keeping records of all medical visits, any medical supplies and every expense or missed work associated with the accident and your injuries is also important.

Why Hire a Truck Accident Lawyer?

It may be difficult to determine whether to hire a truck accident lawyer. You are already dealing with stress and possibly financial issues related to your medical expenses and missed work, and the cost of hiring a lawyer may seem too hard. However, when you work with Pacific Attorney Group you pay no legal fees unless we are successful in recovering financial compensation on your behalf – and the costs you are responsible will come out of your settlement or jury award. When you consider that truck accident victims who work with attorneys have a greater opportunity of recovering increased financial settlements, you may actually have a better chance of recovering more money than if you had avoided working with a lawyer in the first place.

Of course we cannot make any guarantees that we will definitely be able to secure money for your truck accident claim. We can, however, promise to provide you with personal attention and aggressive legal counsel as we assess the true value of your case and help you with your insurance claim and any negotiations or courtroom litigation associated with your case.

When you work with a Los Angeles truck accident lawyer at our law firm, you offer yourself the ability to focus on healing and spending time with your friends and family while your lawyer handles your claim for you. This will include any communication with your insurance company or the other party’s insurance company or attorney, as well as protection against bad faith practices in regard to the paying of your insurance claim. Your initial truck accident case evaluation is free, and you pay no legal fees unless we are successful in recovering a settlement or jury award on your behalf.

Truck Accident Attorneys in Los Angeles

5,000 people die each and every year as a result of getting into a truck accident and over 100,000 are seriously—sometimes fatally—injured in truck accidents. If you or a loved one has ever been in a collision involving a small cab truck, a big rig, a semitruck, or any other type of truck, then you know that the biggest factor that goes into truck accidents is “negligence.” Negligence is essentially careless or reckless driving, and when this kind of driving occurs in trucks—which even when small are larger than most cars and other vehicles—the combination is deadly. Why? Because trucks are bulkier in design and also heavier, making blind spots harder to avoid. When the natural proponents of truck design, which are innately more dangerous than those of other kinds and makes of vehicles, fuse together with poor driving, people are injured and/or die.

About Compensation

We can help you to prove negligence of a truck driver and/or their company of employment via isolating eyewitness accounts of your accidents and going through the police reports that were filed at the time of the truck accident. You may be compensated with money for your medical bills and injuries as well as the time you lost while being unable to work due to injury related to the trucking accident—just to name a couple of possibilities.

Representation by a Truck Accident Lawyer in Los Angeles

Have you been in a truck accident? Do you live in Los Angeles, or any other area within the state of California? If so, we want to hear from you.We put our clients first. We will never charge you for the time that we spend on your case, and will even cover the expenses associated with court and filing fees.

We have the track record that exemplifies our passion for your legal success and vindication. We have dealt with industrial, commercial, and personal trucking lawsuits, earning our client the monetary compensation that they were entitled to against a wide range of offending defendants; such as city, state, and municipalities that demonstrated manufacturing negligence, corporations that proved inefficient and led to accidents, as well as some of the most prominent truck insurance agencies in the nation.

If you have been in an accident involving a truck—big or small—call one of our Los Angeles truck accident attorneys today to begin your lawsuit, file your claim, and take back what was unjustly taken from you.

856 S Robertson Blvd
los angeles, CA 90035
(310) 659-6000

Do I Have A Case?

the initial consultation is free

Call or email us to schedule a free consultation. You can reach us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our attorneys will travel to wherever is most convenient for you to meet and speak about your case.